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Character Stats

Character Stats

The game features 6 main character stats and 2 additional ones (in newer versions), which affect parameters such as attack power, attack speed, HP amount, etc. Let's break down what each stat affects and their default values for each race.

Basic Character Stats

STRStrength- P.Atk - enhances physical attack- Increases character's carrying capacity
CONConstitution- Max HP/CP - maximum HP/CP amount- HP Regeneration - health regeneration- Resistance to stuns and certain debuffs- Enhances shield defense
DEXDexterity- Atk.Spd - increases physical attack speed- P.Critical Rate - increases chance of critical physical attacks- P.Evasion - increases chance of evading attacks- P.Accuracy - improves physical attack accuracy- Increases running speed
INTIntelligence- M.Atk - enhances magical attack- M.Critical Damage - increases power of critical magic attacks
WITWisdom- Casting Spd - reduces spell casting time- M.Critical Rate - increases chance of critical magic attacks- M.Evasion - increases chance of evading magic attacks
MENMental- Max MP - maximum mana amount- MP Recovery - speeds up mana regeneration- M.Resistance - resistance to magic attacks and debuffs- Reduces chance of spell casting interruption
LUCLuck- Increases chance of successful item creation- Increases drop rate of items and adena- Reduces chance of receiving critical hits
CHACharisma- Increases chances of successfully taming animals and monsters- Affects effectiveness of interactions with NPCs

Combat Stats

P.AtkP.Atk - power of physical attacks for melee and ranged combat
P.DefP.Def - defense against physical attacks
P.AccuracyP.Accuracy - attack accuracy, reduces chance of missing
P.EvasionP.Evasion - improves chance of evading physical attacks
P.CriticalP.Crit Rate - increases chance of critical physical attacks
Atk.SpdAtk.Spd - physical attack speed
SpeedRunning Speed - character's movement speed
M.AtkM.Atk - power of magical attacks
M.DefM.Def - defense against magical attacks
M.AccuracyM.Accuracy - increases chance of successful magical attacks
M.EvasionM.Evasion - improves chance of evading magical attacks
M.CriticalM.Crit Rate - increases chance of critical magical attacks
Casting SpdCasting Spd - reduces spell casting time

Base Physical Race Stats

ParameterHuman FighterDark Elf FighterElf FighterOrc FighterDwarf FighterKamael MaleKamael FemaleErtheia Fighter

Base Magical Race Stats

ParameterHuman MageDark Elf MageElf MageOrc MageErtheia Mage


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