Lineage 2 Server Rating
The server rating is based on project traffic (according to Similarweb data). The table shows "Traffic" for the last 3 months.
Rating (TOP) of L2 Servers
Traffic | Chronicles | Last Open
- 1L2Reborn.org3,850,036Gracia Final23.02.24
- 2Scryde.net2,847,333High Five12.07.24
- 3Asterios.tm883,516High Five05.09.24
- 4L2eirin.com512,871Interlude16.08.24
- 5La2era.com357,263High Five06.09.24
- 6Thebattle.club335,461High Five13.11.24
- 7Lineage2.es310,158High Five09.03.23
- 8Bsfg.ru260,088High Five01.10.20
- 9Mw-essence.com240,992Essence17.10.24
- 10Lineage2dex.com202,495Interlude16.06.23
- 11Skillgest.com142,842High Five21.03.25
- 12Rpg-club.org139,216High Five29.03.24
- 13L2mad.net135,677Interlude01.03.25
- 14Endlesswar.online126,929Helios29.11.19
- 15Euro-pvp.com114,336Interlude10.01.25
- 16Mw5.life112,445Gracia Final24.02.25
- 17Zmega.com108,401Interlude05.05.23
- 18Moon-land.com106,197Interlude08.11.24
- 19La2world.ru100,810High Five31.05.19
- 20L2gold.in93,783Interlude22.06.18
- 21Interlude-online.ru87,838Interlude17.06.23
- 22L2Damage.com87,487Interlude19.09.24
- 23Lineage2.cz61,327Epilogue11.09.20
- 24Lineage-game.net55,310Interlude01.11.24
- 25Genesis.ms53,929Interlude14.02.25
- 26L2e.global48,373n/an/a
- 27La2dream.com47,629Interlude28.02.25
- 28L2old.com43,263Essence24.12.21
- 29L2best.org38,165Interlude04.01.25
- 30Godworld.ru34,196Salvation18.03.13
- 31Ketrawars.net31,467Interlude07.02.25
- 32Ba-za.gg28,965Essence03.01.25
- 33L2chill.fun28,593High Five06.09.24
- 34Tokgame.club28,133High Five06.12.24
- 35L2name.ru26,933High Five01.10.22
- 36Keltir.com26,794C417.01.25
- 37Eternal.ms26,584Interlude29.03.24
- 38Forceplay.org24,228Interlude20.09.24
- 39L2essence.online24,200Essence10.08.23
- 40Fregame.ru21,948Homunculus27.12.24
- 41Tinyessence.net20,296Essence20.09.24
- 42Mw-essence.io19,899Essence18.10.24
- 43Linestorm.org19,756Interlude28.02.25
- 44Mysterium.ws19,165High Five17.05.24
- 45L2abyss.com18,325Essence06.12.24
- 46Oren.pw17,691Interlude07.04.23
- 47Overworld.pro16,973Interlude03.05.24
- 48Multi-classic.top16,303Classic19.11.21
- 49Lin2death.com16,010Interlude19.01.25
- 50L2heyday.org15,302Interlude28.01.23
- 51Multireborn.club15,065High Five14.02.25
- 52Classic-gve.com14,699Classic19.04.24
- 53La2age.ru13,673Interlude01.03.24
- 54Lineageclassic.net13,394C417.01.25
- 55Aden.land13,192Essence29.11.24
- 56L2helios.net12,916High Five06.12.24
- 57Decabria.ru11,116Epilogue01.11.24
- 58Multeria.com10,527High Five16.08.24
- 59Aden.games10,260Essence14.11.24
- 60Interlude.pl9,974Interlude20.09.24
- 61L2kain.net9,629High Five29.11.24
- 62L2cat.net8,972Interlude17.03.23
- 63L2z.ru8,880Epilogue20.10.23
- 64Playorbis.net8,861Interlude03.01.25
- 65L2mars.com8,782Essence07.07.23
- 66Mithrilmines.eu8,718Classic15.03.24
- 67Pentawar.net8,370Crusade25.11.22
- 68L2old.ru7,968C407.02.25
- 69Lords.ws7,317Interlude26.05.23
- 70Melior.club7,268Classic23.02.24
- 71L2skill.ru7,058High Five21.01.22
- 72Deiceland.org6,916High Five08.11.19
- 73Multicraft.ws6,914Interlude24.01.25
- 74Lineagers.net6,884Interlude21.02.25
- 75Multiworld.ws6,667High Five04.12.20
- 76La2friends.ru6,281Interlude15.02.20
- 77L2noobwars.net5,114Interlude03.01.25
- 78La2.global5,083High Five22.03.24
- 79L2remastered.com5,015Interlude06.09.24
- 80La2.team4,806Essence02.08.24
- 81Multi.ws4,623Interlude21.02.25
- 82Fange.ws4,588Interlude10.01.25
- 83Stageofglory.fun4,355Essence03.05.24
- 84Chill.top4,314High Five07.06.24
- 85L2-hunter.com4,148Interlude25.01.25
- 86Tarbar.online3,796High Five05.03.21
- 87Lineage2.ms3,777Interlude13.09.24
- 88L2strong.ws3,764Interlude20.04.24
- 89L2Antharas.ru3,694Interlude03.01.24
- 90Lineage777.com3,606Interlude07.02.25
- 91L2highfive.ru3,590High Five24.09.22
- 92La2.by3,489High Five14.02.25
- 93Interlude-ave.com3,433Interlude10.01.25
- 94Melody2war.ru3,430Crusade31.01.21
- 95Aden.pro3,425High Five25.02.22
- 96Playexpanse.com3,423Essence19.07.24
- 97Classic-euro.com3,414Classic26.02.21
- 98Fafurion.net3,401Interlude14.02.25
- 99L2rdm.ru3,354Interlude04.01.25
- 100Draconic.club3,334High Five20.02.25
We have created our own rating of Lineage 2 servers. This rating includes the best Lineage 2 servers, including Interlude, High Five, Essence, C4, and other versions. All servers undergo thorough checks for activity and stability, ensuring that only truly active projects with large player bases are listed here.
The rating is updated monthly using data from Similarweb and other sources, which helps keep the information up to date. Here you will find servers for any preference: PvP, PvE, clan wars — everything for those who love Lineage 2.
All the servers listed in the ranking are active, have stable online populations, and a large player community. Our TOP L2 server rating offers the best options: whether it's PvP, PvE, low-rate or high-rate servers.
How the rating is formed
1. What is the rating based on?
The rating is based on the number of visits to the Lineage 2 server's website over the past 3 months. The data is obtained from the Similarweb service.
2. Why website traffic, not server online?
Online data can only be provided by the server itself, which can easily manipulate the data and show false information. However, with Similarweb, it’s harder to fake website traffic, as players need to visit the site and register to start playing.
3. Why Similarweb?
Their service collects traffic information from external sources, not from the site itself. This makes it harder and more expensive to manipulate traffic. It’s much easier to attract real players than to manipulate traffic, which won’t bring actual players.
4. Why data for 3 months?
This ensures that the server has stable online activity, excluding sharp traffic spikes associated with the launch of new servers. As a result, the top servers will be those with a more stable and higher online presence, not short-lived projects.
5. How often is the rating updated?
Similarweb updates site data around the 15th of each month. When we receive updated information for most sites, we update our rating.