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New Aden.land L2 Private Servers

Aden.land - Lineage 2 Server

🌐 Site:https://aden.land/
Status:Live ✅
Ranking ELO:59
✔️ Date created:06.12.2019
📈 Traffic (month):3,904
📈 Traffic (3 months):11,410
🚀 Opens:8
Aden.land website image

Server visit history Aden.land

Latest server openings Aden.land

About the server Aden.land

Server Aden.land was seen for the first time 06.12.2019.

L2 server website is fully working and available for visiting ✅

The server itself focuses on Essence chronicles and has already successfully launched 8-times.

According to SimilarWeb, the main geography of players is UA.

Also, according to SimilarWeb, the server has a 4,073,401 rating, and in the last month there were 3,904-users.

Reviews Aden.land

User AvatarMaksym Grab
Published: 28.08.24Not Recommended

Админ вмешивается в игровой процесс, меня ПКнули на споте, мне пишет админ в личку "alo" и блокирует аккаунт. Что это?

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